During my time at Microsoft, I was responsible for a variety of testing, analysis, disassembly, modifications, fixture design, and product design revolving around the Kinect Sensor for XBOX One. Most of the work was performed behind the scenes and/or on internal parts. From Managing and Building early EV devices using fragile CNC’d Enclosures to validate changes prior to changing tooling to creating/testing/validating a method to dispense a new TIM material that both reduced stress in camera assemblies but also saved the project money. From designing fixtures for testing using and Instron to doing Acoustic Analysis in the Microphone Array. I was a Jack of All Trades of sorts.

  • Acoustic Analysis (Head Acoustics/Artemis Classic)

  • Static/Dynamic Testing - Impact/Lifecycle. (Instron E3000)

  • Cost Reduction

  • Process Development

  • Product Design

  • Fixture Design